Membership Application
Oxford Civic Chorus is a community choir based in Oxford, Mississippi. By completing this form, all members agree to abide by the policies and expectations detailed below. Please read all policies carefully!
- Attendance: Rehearsals are held weekly on Monday evenings. Regular attendance is essential for good musicianship and high quality performances. Singers are allowed up to two absences per semester, with any additional absences needing director approval. Attendance is mandatory at all major performances unless otherwise stated or with director approval.
- Dues: Payment for singing members is $50 per semester. Payments are due by the second regular rehearsal of the season. Students sing for free, and scholarships are available for those who may need assistance as part of the OCC Angel Fund.
- Payment: OCC collects payments via the Zeffy platform. The form automatically includes a small donation to their platform, but you have the option to remove or change this amount.
- Scholarships: Use the discount code ANGEL at checkout to apply for a scholarship.
- Students: Use the discount code STUDENT at checkout to receive a student reduction.
- Pay by Cash or Check: Use the discount code CHECK at checkout to pay in person at rehearsal.
- Performances: The choir performs major concerts in December and May, and sings at the annual Christmas Tree Lighting on the Square, with additional performance opportunities each semester.
- Concert Attire: All-black attire is required for most major concerts. Dress code details will be provided at the first rehearsal.
- Supporting Members: Supporting members may serve as ushers and greeters at the fall and spring performances, assist with fundraising events, act as ambassadors for OCC, and more. Please use the discount code SUPPORT at checkout to apply to be a supporting member.
- D.E.I. Statement: Oxford Civic Chorus does not discriminate against anyone for any reason. Members and associates respect each other, embrace diversity, and work to ensure that all are welcomed and valued. All are accepted, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, culture, or other personal characteristics.